Holiday Courses

During most School Holidays and Half-Terms we run football camps for young people aged from 6 to 13 years (6 to 12 on our Girls Only) . Sessions run from 10am - 3pm and are based at facilities around Bath & North East Somerset.

This Easter we will be holding our mixed camps and Girls Only camps at Saltford C of E Primary School (7th - 10th April) and St. Martins Garden Primary School (14th - 17th April).

Our Camps offer great value, with the Mixed Camps costing only £20 per day if you book before 1st April for either week and still only £30 a day after that for 5 hours of fun, football related activities.

Thanks to funding from the National League Trust we are can offer our Girls Only camps at just £10 a day! These are delivered at the same venue as our mixed camps, but they will have their own sessions led by a female coach. Can we find a future lioness!?

You can book as many days as you like! It could be a one off, a few days or every session we have available, the choice is yours. Book now as we know these will be popular!

Follow us on social media or contact for more details.

Easter Holiday Camp, Monday 7th April TO Thursday 10th April, Mixed Gender, Ages 6 - 13.

Girls Only Easter Holiday Camps, Monday 7th AND Thursday 10th ONLY Aged 6 - 12.

Easter Holiday Camp, Monday 14th April TO Thursday 17th April, Mixed Gender, Ages 6 - 13.

Girls Only Easter Holiday Camps, Monday 14th AND Thursday 17th ONLY Aged 6 - 12.