Beyond The Pitch

Beyond The Pitch is a Wellbeing session aimed at improving participants physical and mental wellbeing. The sessions are open to anyone over the age of 18 who would like to take part in a social football session.

We have partnered with mental health charity Go Again, they will be at sessions to talk to and also provide out of session clinical support through their network of professional staff.

Every Wednesday the sessions are held for two hours 6pm-8pm at St. Martins Garden Primary School. The format of the sessions is the same each week with a open doors policy meaning if you can’t make it for the 6pm start you are welcome to join in at any point in the session.

The sessions start with a gentle warm up and then we have a friendly inclusive game of football. The physical sessions are followed by a chance to chat, some weeks we will have guest speakers, workshops or group activities.

The sessions are free to attend and are held year round with only a small break over the festive period.

For more information please contact Chris on 07939 010838 or